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Place and date of birth: Łódź, December 13, 2010

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Currently factory driver of SODI KART Sodi Racing Team – the world’s largest manufacturer of karting chassis.

Member of Orlean Team.

Member of Automobilkub Rzemieślnik.

Appointed to the Polish National Team.

My first contact with the steering wheel took place very early. At the age of 6, I met my mentor and coach, Tomek Krzemiński, a former racing driver. At that time, Tomek was a coach at the A1 Karting karting school. When I first got into a go-kart, I immediately knew this was my world. I love racing, rallies and motoring, and the moments spent on the track has always been magical for me. I’ve always looked forward to them. It was under Tomek’s supervision that I started driving on outdoor tracks and passed the racing license exam, driving in the so-called “shows”.

k a r t i n g

My first fully professional year of competition was 2020, in the Micro class. However, 2021 turned out to be a breakthrough for me, when I moved to a faster car in the Mini class.

In 2021, I won the title of Polish Champion, won the Rotax Max Challenge Poland cup and was the first Pole in history to stand second on the podium in the Rotax Grand Finals World Final in Bahrain. It was the proverbial icing on the cake. Then, together with my parents, we decided that only full professionalism could give me the opportunity to further development. Therefore I would have to go abroad for this purpose.

I spent 2022 in Italy in the FA Alonso Kart Kidix Driver Performance team, where I honed my driving style, tested grip, got to know the tracks and took up the fight with the best in the world in series such as WSK World Series Karting or ACI – Italian Championship. The end of 2023 brought completely new experiences – starts in the Junior and large frame categories.

After initial preparation in my hometown Polish team KRZ Motorsport, I started the season in the Koski Motorsport team. Under the supervision of Jan Koski, I further improved my skills in selected rounds of the European Championships – Champions of the Future and in the World Championships.

Hard work and years of learning paid off, and at the end of 2023 I became the factory driver of the SODI Racing Team and was accepted into the Orlen Team. This year I am taking part in all the most important karting series: FIA European Championship, Champions of the Future and the World Championship. My results so far mean that I am at the top of the FIA ​​driver ranking. At the end of 2024, after the World Championships in England, I will move to the Senior class chassis, where I will be one of the youngest competitors.

Can’t wait!


Fabryczny kierowca SODI KART Sodi Racing Team– największego na świecie producenta podwozi kartingowych, członek Orlean Team, podopieczny Automobilkub Rzemieślnik, powołany do Kadry Narodowej.


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